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road worthy adj.適于走長途的(馬、車等);(人)能旅行的。


“ i declare as the entrant that to the best of my belief the driver ( s ) possess ( es ) the standard of competence necessary for an event ( s ) of the type ( s ) to which this entry relates that the vehicle entered is suitable and road worthy for the event having regard to the track and the speed they will be reached and that i , & my driver ( s ) and team members enter upon and use the track and its facilities entirely at our own risk “ 本人以提名人身份深信,所提選之駕駛員是有自制和適當的能力參與比賽,以及參賽車輛是符合在道路及跑道上行駛作賽,本人及參賽者和所有隊員同意在跑道上及其措施上所引起的意外全由我們自己負責。